Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tomato Lessons Learned - Early Summer

The fruit is setting and the indeterminates are growing out of control. A couple of more lessons learned.
  1. The Early Girls are happy to set fruit even when there is a large swing between day and night temps. Don't get me wrong - they set better once the temps stabilize, but it's sure is nice to see some small fruit in mid-June.
  2. The Early Girls are significantly earlier than the Big Boy and Celebrity varieties. The Early Girls are loaded up with nice medium sized fruit. The others are playing catching up.
  3. The Early Girl fruits start to grow very quickly once the flowers are pollinated. Maybe this is why they are earlier than the other varieties.
  4. It's a completely unscientific experiment, but the Celebrities seem to be just as happy in a 4 gallon SWC as in a 5 gallon SWC. This doesn't say anything about whether they would be happier in an 18 gallon SWC. Here happiness is defined as producing lots of flowers, setting fruit and growing that fruit without catfacing/BER problems.
  5. In a similarly unscientific experiment, the Celebrity in the regular 5 gallon bucket (not an SWC) is not unhappy, but is not as happy as the ones in the SWCs.
  6. I said it last time, but it bears repeating: If your seedling has more than one main stem, trim it back to one. It will only lead to trouble.
  7. Don't buy the last three crappy looking tomatillos and transplant them at the end of June. It's just too late.

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