Monday, May 5, 2008

Had to replant the Ambrosia

Today I unplanted the Ambrosia corn . I decided to move the Ambrosia, because I wasn't making very good use of the space. I dug up as many of the seeds as I could find, but I know I missed some. If they sprout and I don't get enough in the new spot, I'll try the dreaded transplant. If I get good germination in the new spot, I'll just pull the errant sprouts. Good news, the new planting of Ambrosia is 3 feet from the Ruby Queen, so I have increased my separation by 1 foot and decreased the chances of cross polination by 0.00000000001 percent :)

The new planting is 2 rows, 4 mounds plus 2 rows, 3 mounds each.

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