Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Getting the Nutrients Just Right

Successfully growing tomatoes in containers means plenty of water and the proper balance of nutrients. EarthTainers (aka self-watering containers (SWC)) take care of the water. Nutrients is another thing. Miracle Grow potting mix contains a very generic set of nutrients (0.21-0.07-0.14). Too much nitrogen causes tomatoes to grow fast (good), but the resulting plant will be all foliage and little fruit. To grow abundant fruit, the tomato plant needs plenty of phosphorus. A lack of calcium causes blossom end rot (BER), so a supplement like garden lime is required. To provide some of the other micro-nutrients, I'll add some Epsom salts.

The EarthTainer system uses a band of fertilizer that is placed opposite the plant and 1"-2" below the surface. Over the course of the growing season the fertilizer will slowly dissolve and disperse through the container.

Colorburst fertilizer has a nice balance for growing tomatoes (15-30-15). I'll use 1 cup of that plus 1/2 cup each of Epsom salts and garden lime.

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